Jogeva Zip Codes: Jogevamaa, Estonia

List of Jogeva Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Jogeva Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Jogevamaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alavere 48405
Ellakvere 48406
Endla 48407
Jogeva 48301 48302 48303 48304 48305 48306 48307 48308 48309
Kaera 48409
Karde 48415
Kassinurme 48410
Kaude 48411
Kivijarve 48412
Koola 48414
Kuremaa 48403 48445
Kurista 48413
Laiuse 48404 48443
Laiusevalja 48416
Lemuvere 48417
Liivoja 48418
Lope 48440
Moisamaa 48420
Mooritsa 48419
Ouna 48439
Paduvere 48421
Painkula 48422
Pakaste 48423
Palupere 48424
Patjala 48425
Pedja 48426
Raaduvere 48427
Rohe 48428
Selli 48429
Siimusti 48402 48444
Soomevere 48430
Teilma 48431
Tooma 48432
Vageva 48438
Vaimastvere 48401 48446
Valjaotsa 48441
Vana-Jogeva 48433
Vilina 48434
Viruvere 48435
Voduvere 48436
Voikvere 48437

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