San Marino Zip / Post Codes

The latest updated list of Postal codes of the San Marino. You select the area you want to see, a list of postal codes for the San Marino will appear for you.

America has a total of 0 states, each state is divided into many different small districts. See the postal code on your computer or phone here

Zip/Postal Codes

Acquaviva 47892
Borgo Maggiore 47893
Ca' Rigo 47893
Cailungo 47893
Casole 47890
Cerbaiola 47898
Chiesanuova 47894
Dogana 47891
Domagnano 47895
Faetano 47896
Falciano 47891
Fiorentino 47897
Fiorina 47899
Galazzano 47891
Gualdicciolo 47892
Montegiardino 47898
Murata 47890
Rovereta 47891
San Giovanni 47893
San Marino 47890
Santa Mustiola 47890
Serravalle 47899
Teglio 47894
Torraccia 47895
Valdragone 47893
Ventoso 47893

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