Jefferson Zip Codes: Alabama, United States

List of Jefferson Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Jefferson Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Alabama Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Adamsville 35005
Adger 35006
Alton 35015
Bessemer 35020 35021 35022 35023
Brookside 35036
Clay 35048
Docena 35060
Dolomite 35061
Fairfield 35064
Fultondale 35068
Gardendale 35071
Graysville 35073
Kimberly 35091
Leeds 35094
Mc Calla 35111
Morris 35116
Mount Olive 35117
Mulga 35118
New Castle 35119
Palmerdale 35123
Pinson 35126
Pleasant Grove 35127
Sayre 35139
Shannon 35142
Trafford 35172
Trussville 35173
Warrior 35180
Watson 35181

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