Shortepa Zip Codes: Balkh, Afghanistan

List of Shortepa Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Shortepa Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Balkh Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aragh Bator 1753
Arange 1753
Borya Baf 1753
Bozer 1753
Choop Bash 1753
Chor Aragh 1753
Dali Kohna 1753
Dali Now 1753
Hazara Toghi 1753
Islam Chongar 1753
Islam Panja 1753
Jangal Aruq 1753
Jowi Wakil 1753
Peash Arugh 1753
Sar Tepa 1753
Tash Gozar 1753
Yuoz Arigh 1753

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