Lal Pur Zip Codes: Nangarhar, Afghanistan
List of Lal Pur Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Lal Pur Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Nangarhar Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Beadar | 2670 |
Beala | 2670 |
Choni | 2670 |
Fatta Mena | 2670 |
Garid Awi | 2670 |
Ghar Kane | 2670 |
Ghondi | 2670 |
Gor Gora | 2670 |
Gul Dak | 2670 |
Kama Lahl Pur | 2670 |
Kheyaz-O-Kalay | 2670 |
Mar Tangi | 2670 |
Markaz Wolluswaly | 2670 |
Rahmate | 2670 |
Rena | 2670 |
Sada | 2670 |
Samze | 2670 |
Sawri | 2670 |
Shah Kote | 2670 |
Shayesta Bari | 2670 |
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