Kamdesh Zip Codes: Nuristan, Afghanistan

List of Kamdesh Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kamdesh Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Nuristan Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Agzo 2954
Akasi 2954
Awgor 2954
Babur Deash 2954
Banoz 2954
Chasko 2954
Dahan Pategal 2954
Dahan Saret 2954
Jamjuz 2954
Kam Deish 2954
Kamo 2954
Marwi 2954
Mirdesh 2954
Munda Gul Hulya 2954
Munda Gul Sufla 2954
Or Mor 2954
Paprok 2954
Pati Gul 2954
Poul Rustam 2954
Sana 2954
Saret 2954
Shategul 2954

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