Shwak Zip Codes: Paktia, Afghanistan

List of Shwak Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Shwak Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Paktia Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akhter Khail 2252
Arab Khail 2252
Ghoran 2252
Gul Khan 2252
Hujat Khail 2252
Jamal Khail 2252
Jani Kott 2252
Kar Khail 2252
Korake Kalay 2252
Kotage Kalay 2252
Lache Khail Kalay 2252
Lambaly Kott 2252
Mussa Khail 2252
Nawi Kott 2252
Parah Kalay 2252
Sheek Khail 2252
Sowander 2252
Spedari Ghondi 2252
Tang Kott 2252
Zor Kott 2252

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