Shwak Zip Codes: Paktia, Afghanistan
List of Shwak Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Shwak Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Paktia Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Akhter Khail | 2252 |
Arab Khail | 2252 |
Ghoran | 2252 |
Gul Khan | 2252 |
Hujat Khail | 2252 |
Jamal Khail | 2252 |
Jani Kott | 2252 |
Kar Khail | 2252 |
Korake Kalay | 2252 |
Kotage Kalay | 2252 |
Lache Khail Kalay | 2252 |
Lambaly Kott | 2252 |
Mussa Khail | 2252 |
Nawi Kott | 2252 |
Parah Kalay | 2252 |
Sheek Khail | 2252 |
Sowander | 2252 |
Spedari Ghondi | 2252 |
Tang Kott | 2252 |
Zor Kott | 2252 |
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