Ashtarak Zip Codes: Aragatsotn, Armenia

List of Ashtarak Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Ashtarak Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Aragatsotn Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Agarak 0206
Aghdzq 0207
Aragatzotn 0209
Artashavan 0211
Arutsh 0210
Ashtarak 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0227
Avan 0208
Bazmaghbyur 0212
Byurakan 0213
Karbi 0214
Kosh 0215
Nor Amanos 0216
Nor Yedesia 0217
Ohanavan 0225
Oshakan 0226
Parpi 0224
Sasunik 0223
Shamiram 0218
Ujan 0222
Ushi 0221
Voskehat 0219
Voskevaz 0220

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