Armavir Zip / Posst Codes (Armenia)
See the Armavir postal code (Armenia), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.
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Zip/Postal Codes
Amasia | 0912 |
Araqs | 0915 |
Arazap | 0914 |
Arevik | 0917 |
Argavand | 0916 |
Armavir | 0901 | 0902 | 0903 | 0904 | 0905 | 0906 | 0907 | 0909 | 0918 |
Artashar | 0919 |
Aygeshat | 0913 |
Bambakashat | 0920 |
Berqashat | 0921 |
Dzerzhinski | 0931 |
Getashen | 0922 |
Hatsik | 0935 |
Haykavan | 0929 |
Janfida | 0941 |
Jrashen | 0942 |
Khanjyan | 0928 |
Lenughi | 0926 |
Lukashin | 0927 |
Margara | 0933 |
Mayisyan | 0932 |
Metzamor | 0910 | 0911 |
Mrgashat | 0934 |
Nalbandyan | 0936 |
Nor Armavir | 0937 |
Nor Artagers | 0938 |
Nor Kesaria | 0939 |
Pshatavan | 0946 |
Sardarabad | 0930 |
Shenavan | 0940 |
Sovetakan | 0943 |
Tandzut | 0945 |
Vardanashen | 0944 |
Yeghegnut | 0923 |
Yeraskhahun | 0924 |
Zartonq | 0925 |