Armavir Zip / Posst Codes (Armenia)

See the Armavir postal code (Armenia), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.

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Zip/Postal Codes

Amasia 0912
Araqs 0915
Arazap 0914
Arevik 0917
Argavand 0916
Armavir 0901 | 0902 | 0903 | 0904 | 0905 | 0906 | 0907 | 0909 | 0918
Artashar 0919
Aygeshat 0913
Bambakashat 0920
Berqashat 0921
Dzerzhinski 0931
Getashen 0922
Hatsik 0935
Haykavan 0929
Janfida 0941
Jrashen 0942
Khanjyan 0928
Lenughi 0926
Lukashin 0927
Margara 0933
Mayisyan 0932
Metzamor 0910 | 0911
Mrgashat 0934
Nalbandyan 0936
Nor Armavir 0937
Nor Artagers 0938
Nor Kesaria 0939
Pshatavan 0946
Sardarabad 0930
Shenavan 0940
Sovetakan 0943
Tandzut 0945
Vardanashen 0944
Yeghegnut 0923
Yeraskhahun 0924
Zartonq 0925

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