Nsw North Coast Zip Codes: New South Wales, Australia

List of Nsw North Coast Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Nsw North Coast Zip Codes updated to 2020, the New South Wales Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Boggabilla 2409
Rileys Hill 2472
Boggabri 2382
Rock Valley 2480
Bolivia 2372
Rocky Glen 2357
Bonalbo 2469
Rollands Plains 2441
Bonny Hills 2445
Rosebank 2480
Bonshaw 2361
Rous 2477
Bonville 2441
Rous Mill 2477
Boomi 2405
Rowena 2387
Boonoo Boonoo 2372
Rukenvale 2474
Bostobrick 2453
Ruthven 2480
Bowling Alley Point 2340
Safety Beach 2456
Bowraville 2449
Sandy Beach 2456
Breeza 2381
Sandy Flat 2372
Briggsvale 2453
Sawtell 2452
Broadwater 2472
Scotts Head 2447
Broken Head 2481
Seelands 2460
Brooklet 2479
Sextonville 2470
Brooms Head 2463
Shannon Brook 2470
Brunswick Heads 2483
Smithtown 2440
Brushgrove 2460
Somerton 2340
Bugaldie 2357
South Arm 2460
Bukkulla 2360
South Golden Beach 2483
Bundarra 2359
South Grafton 2460
Bungulla 2372
South Kempsey 2440
Burburgate 2380
South West Rocks 2431
Burren Junction 2386
Spring Grove 2470
Burringbar 2483
Spring Ridge 2343
Byabarra 2446
Stannifer 2369
Byron Bay 2481
Stannum 2371
Cabbage Tree Island 2477
Stratheden 2470
Calala 2340
Stuarts Point 2441
Camden Head 2443
Suffolk Park 2481
Cangai 2460
Sunny Corner 2454
Caroona 2343
Swan Bay 2471
Carrai 2440
Swan Vale 2370
Carroll 2340
Tabulam 2469
Casino 2470
Tambar Springs 2381
Cawongla 2474
Tamworth 2340
Chatsworth 2469
Tamworth South 2340
Clunes 2480
Tatham 2471
Clybucca 2440
Taylors Arm 2447
Coaldale 2460
Telegraph Point 2441
Cobbadah 2347
Tenterfield 2372
Coffs Harbour 2450
Terry Hie Hie 2400
Coffs Harbour Jetty 2450
Teven 2478
Coffs Harbour Plaza 2450
The Channon 2480
Collombatti 2440
The Risk 2474
Colly Blue 2343
Thora 2454
Comara 2440
Thumb Creek 2447
Coocooboonah 2380
Tingha 2369
Coolatai 2402
Tintenbar 2478
Coombell 2470
Toms Creek 2446
Coonabarabran 2357
Toonumbar 2474
Copmanhurst 2460
Toormina 2452
Coraki 2471
Toorooka 2440
Coramba 2450
Torrington 2371
Corindi Beach 2456
Tregeagle 2480
Corndale 2480
Tucabia 2462
Coutts Crossing 2460
Tuckurimba 2480
Cowper 2460
Tullymorgan 2463
Crabbes Creek 2483
Tuncester 2480
Crescent Head 2440
Turrawan 2390
Crooble 2400
Tyagarah 2481
Croppa Creek 2411
Tyringham 2453
Crossmaglen 2441
Ulamambri 2357
Curlewis 2381
Ulmarra 2462
Currabubula 2342
Ulong 2450
Cuttabri 2388
University Of New England 2351
Dalwood 2477
Upper Orara 2450
Deepwater 2371
Uralba 2477
Delungra 2403
Uralla 2358
Dinoga 2404
Urbenville 2475
Dobies Bight 2470
Urunga 2455
Dorrigo 2453
Valla Beach 2448
Dorroughby 2480
Verges Creek 2440
Doubtful Creek 2470
Walcha 2354
Dunbogan 2443
Wallabadah 2343
Dundee 2370
Wallangra 2360
Dundurrabin 2453
Wandsworth 2365
Dungowan 2340
Wardell 2477
Dunoon 2480
Warialda 2402
Duri 2344
Warrah Creek 2339
Dyraaba 2470
Warrell Creek 2447
Dyraaba Central 2470
Waterview Heights 2460
Dyraaba Creek 2470
Watsons Creek 2355
East Armidale 2350
Wauchope 2446
Ebor 2453
Wee Waa 2388
Edgeroi 2390
Weetaliba 2395
Ellangowan 2470
Werris Creek 2341
Ellenborough 2446
West Armidale 2350
Elsmore 2360
West Haven 2443
Eltham 2480
West Tamworth 2340
Emerald Beach 2456
Westdale 2340
Emmaville 2371
Whian Whian 2480
Empire Vale 2478
Wiangaree 2474
Enmore 2350
Willawarrin 2440
Ettrick 2474
Willow Tree 2339
Eungai Creek 2441
Winegrove 2460
Eungai Rail 2441
Wollomombi 2350
Eureka 2480
Wollongbar 2477
Evans Head 2473
Wollun 2354
Fairy Hill 2470
Woodburn 2472
Federal 2480
Woodenbong 2476
Fernleigh 2479
Woodford 2463
Fernmount 2454
Woodview 2470
Flynns Beach 2444
Woolbrook 2354
Frederickton 2440
Woolgoolga 2456
Furracabad 2370
Wooli 2462
Garah 2405
Woolomin 2340
Garthowen 2345
Wylie Creek 2372
Geneva 2474
Wyrallah 2480
Georgica 2480
Yamba 2464
Gilgai 2360
Yelgun 2483
Gladstone 2440
Yetman 2410
Glen Innes 2370
Glencoe 2365
Glenreagh 2450
Goolmangar 2480
Goonellabah 2480
Goonengerry 2482
Gowrie 2340
Grafton 2460
Grafton West 2460
Graman 2360
Grassy Head 2441
Gravesend 2401
Greenhill 2440
Grevillia 2474
Gum Flat 2360
Gum Scrub 2441
Gunnedah 2380
Gurley 2398
Guyra 2365
Gwabegar 2356
Halfway Creek 2460
Hannam Vale 2443
Harwood 2465
Hat Head 2440
Hernani 2453
Herons Creek 2443
Hickeys Creek 2440
Hillgrove 2350
Hollisdale 2446
Huntingdon 2446
Iluka 2466
Inverell 2360
Invergowrie 2350
Irvington 2470
Jackadgery 2460
Jeogla 2350
Jerseyville 2431
Johns River 2443
Junction Hill 2460
Kalang 2454
Kangaroo Creek 2460
Karangi 2450
Keith Hall 2478
Kelvin 2380
Kempsey 2440
Kendall 2439
Kenebri 2396
Kentucky 2354
Kew 2439
Kings Creek 2446
Kingstown 2358
Kingswood 2340
Koloona 2403
Kootingal 2352
Korora 2450
Kundabung 2441
Kyogle 2474
Lake Cathie 2445
Laurieton 2443
Lawrence 2460
Leeville 2470
Legume 2476
Lennox Head 2478
Limbri 2352
Lismore 2480
Liston 2372
Little Plain 2360
Llangothlin 2365
Long Flat 2446
Lorne 2439
Lowanna 2450
Lower Bucca 2450
Lower Creek 2440
Lynchs Creek 2474
Macksville 2447
Maclean 2463
Mallanganee 2469
Manilla 2346
Marom Creek 2480
Matheson 2370
Mckees Hill 2480
Meerschaum Vale 2477
Megan 2453
Metz 2350
Mid North Coast Msc 2442
Millbank 2440
Missabotti 2449
Mongogarie 2470
Mooball 2483
Moonbi 2353
Moonee Beach 2450
Moorland 2443
Moree 2400
Mount Russell 2360
Mullaley 2379
Mullumbimby 2482
Mungindi 2406
Mylestom 2454
Nambucca Heads 2448
Nana Glen 2450
Narrabri 2390
Nashua 2479
Naughtons Gap 2470
Nemingha 2340
New Brighton 2483
Acacia Plateau 2476
New England Mc 2348
Alstonville 2477
Newton Boyd 2370
Argents Hill 2449
Niangala 2354
Armidale 2350
Nimbin 2480
Arrawarra Headland 2456
North Haven 2443
Ashford 2361
North Lismore 2480
Ashley 2400
North Star 2408
Attunga 2345
Nowendoc 2354
Baan Baa 2390
Nullamanna 2360
Backmede 2470
Numulgi 2480
Bagnoo 2446
Nundle 2340
Ballengarra 2441
Nymboida 2460
Ballina 2478
Ocean Shores 2483
Bangalow 2479
Old Bonalbo 2469
Baradine 2396
Old Koreelah 2476
Baraimal 2470
Orange Grove 2380
Barraba 2347
Oxley Vale 2340
Baryulgil 2460
Pallamallawa 2399
Beechwood 2446
Pappinbarra 2446
Bellangry 2446
Pembrooke 2446
Bellata 2397
Pillar Valley 2462
Bellbrook 2440
Pilliga 2388
Bellimbopinni 2440
Pimlico 2478
Bellingen 2454
Pine Ridge 2343
Ben Lomond 2365
Piora 2470
Bendemeer 2355
Port Macquarie 2444
Bentley 2480
Port Macquarie Bc 2444
Bexhill 2480
Premer 2381
Billinudgel 2483
Pullaming 2381
Bingara 2404
Purlewaugh 2357
Binna Burra 2479
Quirindi 2343
Binnaway 2395
Raleigh 2454
Black Mountain 2365
Rappville 2469
Black Swamp 2372
Red Range 2370
Blackmans Point 2444
Red Rock 2456
Blackville 2343
Repton 2454
Boambee 2450
Richmond Hill 2480

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