St George Zip Codes: New South Wales, Australia

List of St George Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the St George Zip Codes updated to 2020, the New South Wales Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Allawah 2218
Arncliffe 2205
Ashbury 2193
Ashfield 1800 2131
Australian Defence Forces 2890
Banksia 2216
Bardwell Park 2207
Bardwell Valley 2207
Belfield 2191
Belmore 2192
Beverley Park 2217
Beverly Hills 2209
Bexley 2207
Bexley North 2207
Bexley South 2207
Blakehurst 2221
Brighton-Le-Sands 2216
Campsie 2194
Canterbury 2193
Carlton 2218
Carss Park 2221
Chullora 2190
Clemton Park 2206
Connells Point 2221
Croydon 2132
Croydon Park 2133
Earlwood 2206
Enfield South 2133
Greenacre 2190
Hurlstone Park 2193
Hurstville 2220
Hurstville Bc 1481
Hurstville Westfield 2220
Kingsgrove 1480 2208
Kingsway West 2208
Kogarah 1485 2217
Kogarah Bay 2217
Kyeemagh 2216
Kyle Bay 2221
Lakemba 2195
Lord Howe Island 2898
Lugarno 2210
Monterey 2217
Mortdale 2223
Mount Lewis 2190
Narwee 2209
Norfolk Island 2899
Oatley 2223
Peakhurst 2210
Peakhurst Heights 2210
Penshurst 2222
Punchbowl 2196
Ramsgate 2217
Ramsgate Beach 2217
Riverwood 2210
Rockdale 2216
Roselands 2196
Sandringham 2219
Sans Souci 2219
South Hurstville 2221
Summer Hill 2130
Turrella 2205
Undercliffe 2206
Wiley Park 2195
Wolli Creek 2205

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