Sydney Streets Zip Codes: New South Wales, Australia

List of Sydney Streets Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Sydney Streets Zip Codes updated to 2020, the New South Wales Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

The University Of Sydney 2006
Ultimo 2007
Woolloomooloo 2011
Australia Square 1215
Broadway 2007
Chippendale 2008
Darlinghurst 1300 2010
Darlington 2008
Dawes Point 2000
Elizabeth Bay 2011
Grosvenor Place 1220
Haymarket 1240 2000
Kings Cross 1340 2011
Millers Point 2000
Potts Point 1335 2011
Pyrmont 2009
Queen Victoria Building 1230
Royal Exchange 1225
Rushcutters Bay 2011
Surry Hills 2010
Sydney 2000
Sydney South 1235 2000
The Rocks 2000

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