Nesebr Zip Codes: Burgas, Bulgaria
List of Nesebr Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Nesebr Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Burgas Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Banya | 8239 |
Emona | 8223 |
Gyulovtsa | 8249 |
Kosharitsa | 8224 |
Koznitsa | 8255 |
Nesebr | 8230 |
Obzor | 8250 |
Orizare | 8227 |
Panitsovo | 8254 |
Priseltsi | 8251 |
Rakovskovo | 8257 |
Ravda | 8221 |
Sveti Vlas | 8256 |
Tnkovo | 8237 |
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