Tervel Zip Codes: Dobrich, Bulgaria

List of Tervel Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Tervel Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Dobrich Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Angelariy 9483
Balik 9485
Bezmer 9480
Bonevo 9472
Bozhan 9475
Brestnitsa 9484
Chestimensko 7559
Glavantsi 9499
Gradnitsa 9498
Guslar 9479
Kableshkovo 9488
Kladentsi 9497
Kochmar 9477
Kolartsi 9481
Mali Izvor 9474
Nova Kamena 9493
Onogur 9486
Orlyak 9490
Polkovnik Savovo 9471
Popgruevo 9478
Profesor Zlatarski 9487
Srnets 9482
Tervel 9450
Voynikovo 9473
Zheglartsi 9492
Zrnevo 9491

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