Stambolovo Zip Codes: Haskovo, Bulgaria

List of Stambolovo Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Stambolovo Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Haskovo Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Balkan 6368
Byal Kladenets 6377
Dolno Botevo 6393
Dolno Cherkovische 6381
Dolno Pole 6382
Gledka 6362
Golobradovo 6886
Golyam Izvor 6395
Kladenets 6395
Kralevo 6362
Lyaskovets 6397
Madzhari 6383
Malk Izvor 6394
Pchelari 6385
Popovets 6398
Ptnikovo 6379
Rabovo 6384
Silen 6380
Stambolovo 6362
Svetoslav 6378
Tnkovo 6391
Tsareva Polyana 6363
Vodentsi 6382
Voyvodenets 6381
Zhlti Bryag 6368
Zimovina 6396

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