Glavinitsa Zip Codes: Silistra, Bulgaria

List of Glavinitsa Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Glavinitsa Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Silistra Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Baschino 7619
Bogdantsi 7611
Chernogor 7614
Dichevo 7625
Dolno Ryahovo 7624
Glavinitsa 7630
Kalugerene 7631
Kolarovo 7613
Kosara 7612
Listets 7687
Malk Preslavets 7620
Nozharevo 7615
Osen 7634
Padina 7617
Podles 7632
Sokol 7621
Stefan Karadzha 7633
Suhodol 7618
Vlkan 7688
Zafirovo 7610
Zaritsa 7689
Zebil 7685
Zvenimir 7689

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