Dragoman Zip Codes: Sofiya, Bulgaria
List of Dragoman Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Dragoman Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Sofiya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Berende | 2212 |
Berende Izvor | 2212 |
Chekanets | 2221 |
Cheprlintsi | 2212 |
Chorul | 2217 |
Chukovezer | 2209 |
Dolna Nevlya | 2214 |
Dolno Novo Selo | 2212 |
Dragoil | 2208 |
Dragoman | 2210 |
Dreatin | 2213 |
Gaber | 2215 |
Golemo Malovo | 2239 |
Gorno Selo | 2213 |
Grlska Padina | 2213 |
Kalotina | 2212 |
Kambelevtsi | 2215 |
Krusha | 2213 |
Letnitsa | 2207 |
Lipintsi | 2212 |
Malo Malovo | 2238 |
Nachevo | 2213 |
Nedelische | 2213 |
Nesla | 2214 |
Novo Brdo | 2212 |
Prekrste | 2206 |
Rayanovtsi | 2239 |
Taban | 2215 |
Tsatsarovtsi | 2221 |
Tsrklevtsi | 2238 |
Vasilovtsi | 2238 |
Vishan | 2216 |
Vladislavtsi | 2217 |
Yalbotina | 2221 |
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