Dragoman Zip Codes: Sofiya, Bulgaria

List of Dragoman Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Dragoman Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Sofiya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Berende 2212
Berende Izvor 2212
Chekanets 2221
Cheprlintsi 2212
Chorul 2217
Chukovezer 2209
Dolna Nevlya 2214
Dolno Novo Selo 2212
Dragoil 2208
Dragoman 2210
Dreatin 2213
Gaber 2215
Golemo Malovo 2239
Gorno Selo 2213
Grlska Padina 2213
Kalotina 2212
Kambelevtsi 2215
Krusha 2213
Letnitsa 2207
Lipintsi 2212
Malo Malovo 2238
Nachevo 2213
Nedelische 2213
Nesla 2214
Novo Brdo 2212
Prekrste 2206
Rayanovtsi 2239
Taban 2215
Tsatsarovtsi 2221
Tsrklevtsi 2238
Vasilovtsi 2238
Vishan 2216
Vladislavtsi 2217
Yalbotina 2221

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