Alashan League Zip Codes: Inner Mongolia, China

List of Alashan League Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Alashan League Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Inner Mongolia Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alashan League 750300
Aolunbula Village 750325
Barunbieli Villages 750308
Bayanjilantai Villages 750333
Bayanmuren Villages 750355
Bayannuorigong Villages 750321
Benjingde Prefecture 750328
Bujitu Road 750306
Chaganbula Village 750315
Chahantande Prefecture 750331
Changliushuide Prefecture 750309
Chaogetuhure Villages 750313
Eerkehashiha And Others 750316
Gacha 750312 750314 750317
Gulabenaobao Town 750329
Hanwula Villages 750326
Haosibuerdu Villages 750319
Honggerieleng Villages 750327
Murengaole Villages 750332
Tukemu Villages 750324
Wuliji Villages 750322
Wusutu Villages 750354
Xianggendalai Villages 750311
Xilingaole Villages 750318
Yingen Villages 750323

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