Binzhou City Zip Codes: Shandong, China

List of Binzhou City Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Binzhou City Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Shandong Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

538552Etc. 256617
543551Etc. 256611
Baoji Town 256653
Bei Town 256621
Bincheng Town 256651
Binzhou City 256600
Bohaiba Road 256616 256618
Bohaibalu 504510Etc. 256612
Bohaibalu Even 502Etc. 256614
Bohaijiu Road 256613
Bohailu Road 256615 256631
Dudian Town 256657
Liangcai Township 256658
Lize Town 256656
Odd 529531Etc. 266616
Shangdian Township 256655
Shansi Township 256659
Xiaoying Town 256623
Yangji Township 256654
Zhangji Township 256652

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