Xinyuan County Zip Codes: Xinjiang, China

List of Xinyuan County Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Xinyuan County Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Xinjiang Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akealale 835821
Alemale Township 835815
Areletuobie Township 835804
Biesituobie Township 835818
County Cheng Subdistrict 835800
Gongnaisihepan 835801
Halatuobie 835822
Jiyeke 835823
Kairegetasi 835812
Kalabula Township 835814
Nalati Township 835805
Saermusakete 835813
Talede Township 835809
Tasiwutikele 835808
Tiemuerlike 835807
Tuergen Township 835803
Xiaoerbulake 835811
Yuqukebute 835819
Zeketai Town 835802
Zhaotuohai 835816

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