Charala Zip Codes: Santander, Colombia

List of Charala Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Charala Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Santander Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Barro Blanco 682559
Cabecera Municipal 682551
Carrillo 682557
Chonrriche 682551
Colacote 682557
El Rio 682551
Grima Alta 682559
Grima Baja 682559
Herrerita 682551
Juan Curi 682559
Miraflores 682551
Montefrio 682551
Nemizaque 682558
Palma Alta 682557
Palma Baja 682559
Palmar 682559
Riachuelo 682557
Santa Helena 682558
Tapala 682559
Tinaga 682559

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