Morroa Zip Codes: Sucre, Colombia
List of Morroa Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Morroa Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Sucre Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
9 De Abril | 701070 |
Area Urbana | 701077 |
Av San Blas | 701078 |
Cabecera Municipal | 701077 |
Calle Baja | 701070 |
Centenario | 701077 |
Chambacu | 701070 |
El Rosario | 701077 |
La Candelaria | 701070 |
La Cruz | 701078 |
La Parroquia | 701070 |
La Plaza | 701070 |
Las Tinas | 701078 |
Los Nogales | 701078 |
Marianas | 701070 |
Palito | 701070 |
Rafael Nunez | 701078 |
Rincon Centro | 701070 |
Sabanas De Medellin | 701070 |
San Francisco | 701077 |
San Rafael | 701070 |
Villa Mar | 701077 |
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