Poas Zip Codes: Alajuela, Costa Rica
List of Poas Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Poas Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Alajuela Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Carrillos | 20804 |
CarrillosBajo Poas | 20804 |
CarrillosPlatanillo | 20804 |
CarrillosReyes | 20804 |
CarrillosSalto Carrillos | 20804 |
CarrillosSonora | 20804 |
Sabana Redonda | 20805 |
Sabana RedondaAltura | 20805 |
Sabana RedondaBajos Del Tigre | 20805 |
San JuanAltura | 20802 |
San JuanCorazon De Jesus | 20802 |
San JuanGuapinol | 20802 |
San JuanMastate | 20802 |
San JuanSan Juan Norte | 20802 |
San JuanSan Juan Sur | 20802 |
San JuanTablones | 20802 |
San Pedro | 20801 |
San PedroCerro | 20801 |
San PedroChilamate | 20801 |
San PedroHilda | 20801 |
San PedroRastro | 20801 |
San PedroSan Juan Bosco | 20801 |
San PedroSanta Cecilia | 20801 |
San PedroSitio | 20801 |
San PedroZamora | 20801 |
San Rafael | 20803 |
San RafaelBajo Zamora | 20803 |
San RafaelChuruca | 20803 |
San RafaelGuatuza | 20803 |
San RafaelMonte | 20803 |
San RafaelMontepotrero Chiquito | 20803 |
San RafaelPotrero Chiquito | 20803 |
San RafaelSanta Rosa | 20803 |
San RafaelSitio | 20803 |
San RafaelSolis | 20803 |
San RafaelTablones | 20803 |
San RafaelVolcan | 20803 |