Silkeborg Kommune Zip Codes: Region Midtjylland, Denmark

List of Silkeborg Kommune Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Silkeborg Kommune Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Region Midtjylland Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ans By 8643
Bording 7441
Braedstrup 8740
Bryrup 8654
Engesvang 7442
Farvang 8882
Gjern 8883
Hammel 8450
Hampen 7362
Karup J 7470
Kjellerup 8620
Lemming 8632
Rodkaersbro 8840
Ry 8680
Silkeborg 8600
Sorring 8641
Sporup 8472
Them 8653
Thorso 8881
Viborg 8800

Other countries
