Varde Kommune Zip Codes: Region Syddanmark, Denmark
List of Varde Kommune Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Varde Kommune Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Region Syddanmark Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Agerbaek | 6753 |
Ansager | 6823 |
Arre | 6818 |
Billum | 6852 |
Blavand | 6857 |
Grindsted | 7200 |
Henne | 6854 |
Hovborg | 6682 |
Janderup Vestj | 6851 |
Norre Nebel | 6830 |
Oksbol | 6840 |
Olgod | 6870 |
Outrup | 6855 |
Tarm | 6880 |
Tistrup | 6862 |
Varde | 6800 |
Vejers Strand | 6853 |