Joelahtme Zip Codes: Harjumaa, Estonia

List of Joelahtme Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Joelahtme Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Harjumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aruaru 75225
Haapse 74216
Haljava 75203 75224
Ihasalu 74203
Iru 74206
Jagala 74205
Jagala-Joa 74212
Joelahtme 74202
Joesuu 74213
Kaberneeme 74211
Kallavere 74114 74121
Koila 74214
Koipsi 74215
Koogi 74224
Kostiranna 74225
Kostivere 74204
Kullamae 74218
Liivamae 74114 74207
Loo 74201 74228
Maardu 74210
Manniva 74217
Neeme 74226
Nehatu 74208
Parasmae 74230
Rammu 74227
Rebala 74222
Rohusi 74219
Ruu 74223
Saha 74209
Sambu 75222
Ulgase 74220
Uuskula 74114 74120
Vandjala 74229
Voerdla 74221

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