Kose Zip Codes: Harjumaa, Estonia

List of Kose Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kose Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Harjumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Kose-Uuemoisa 75102
Krei 75104 75125
Kuivajoe 75123
Liiva 75107
Nombra 74406 75126
Norava 75116
Oru 75103
Palvere 75108
Raveliku 75112
Ravila 75101
Saula 75117
Someru 75115
Tade 75115 75122 75124
Tammiku 75119
Tuhala 75118
Vardja 75113
Vilama 75110
Viskla 75114
Volle 75109
Ahisilla 75111
Kanavere 75105
Karla 75106
Kata 75120
Kolu 75121
Kose 75101

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