Koue Zip Codes: Harjumaa, Estonia

List of Koue Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Koue Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Harjumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aela 75004
Aksi 75038
Alansi 75035
Ardu 75001
Habaja 75002
Harmi 75034
Kadja 75003
Kantkula 75027
Katsina 75005
Kirivalla 75036
Kiruvere 75006
Korvenurga 75008
Koue 75009
Kukepala 75010
Laane 75007
Leistu 75026
Loora 75028
Lutsu 75030
Marguse 75029
Nommeri 75013
Nutu 75012
Ojasoo 75031
Pala 75022
Paunaste 75025
Paunkula 75011
Puusepa 75017
Rava 75014
Riidamae 75032
Roosa 75015
Saarnakorve 75023
Saaskula 75033
Sae 75016
Silmsi 75024
Triigi 75019
Uueveski 75037
Vahetuki 75020
Vanamoisa 75018
Virla 75021

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