Viimsi Zip Codes: Harjumaa, Estonia
List of Viimsi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Viimsi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Harjumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Aigrumae | 74014 |
Haabneeme | 74001 |
Idaotsa | 74005 |
Kelnase | 74002 74006 |
Kelvingi | 74018 |
Laaneotsa | 74007 |
Laiakula | 74008 |
Leppneeme | 74009 |
Lubja | 74010 |
Metsakasti | 74019 |
Miiduranna | 74015 |
Muuga | 74004 |
Naissaare | 74001 74003 |
Parnamae | 74020 |
Pringi | 74011 |
Puunsi | 74013 |
Randvere | 74016 |
Rohuneeme | 74012 |
Tammneeme | 74017 |
Viimsi | 74001 |
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