Viimsi Zip Codes: Harjumaa, Estonia

List of Viimsi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Viimsi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Harjumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aigrumae 74014
Haabneeme 74001
Idaotsa 74005
Kelnase 74002 74006
Kelvingi 74018
Laaneotsa 74007
Laiakula 74008
Leppneeme 74009
Lubja 74010
Metsakasti 74019
Miiduranna 74015
Muuga 74004
Naissaare 74001 74003
Parnamae 74020
Pringi 74011
Puunsi 74013
Randvere 74016
Rohuneeme 74012
Tammneeme 74017
Viimsi 74001

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