Maetaguse Zip Codes: Ida-Virumaa, Estonia

List of Maetaguse Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Maetaguse Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Ida-Virumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Apandiku 41306
Arukula 41307
Arvila 41308
Atsalama 41309
Ereda 41310
Joetaguse 41311
Kalina 41312
Kiikla 41302
Liivakunka 41314
Maetaguse 41301
Metskula 41315
Pagari 41303
Rajakula 41317 41517
Ratva 41318
Tarakuse 41319
Uhe 41320
Vaike-Pungerja 41324
Vohma 41321
Voide 41322
Vornu 41323

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