Poltsamaa Zip Codes: Jogevamaa, Estonia

List of Poltsamaa Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Poltsamaa Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Jogevamaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Mohkula 48013
Neanurme 48015
Nomavere 48016
Pauastvere 48017
Pilu 48018
Poltsamaa 48101 48102 48103 48104 48105 48106
Pudivere 48019
Pudukula 48020
Puiatu 48021
Rasna 48023
Rostla 48022
Sulustvere 48024
Torenurme 48025
Umbusi 48026
Vaike-Kamari 48030
Vitsjarve 48027
Vohmanomme 48028
Voisiku 48029
Adavere 48001 48009
Alastvere 48010
Annikvere 48004
Esku 48005
Kaavere 48006
Kablakula 48007
Kalikula 48008
Kalme 48031
Kamari 48003
Kuningamae 48011
Lebavere 48012
Lustivere 48002 48032
Mallikvere 48014

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