Tabivere Zip Codes: Jogevamaa, Estonia

List of Tabivere Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Tabivere Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Jogevamaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Elistvere 49103
Juula 49104
Kaiavere 49105
Kaitsemoisa 49106
Karksi 49112
Kassema 49107
Kodukula 49109
Konnujoe 49110
Koogi 49108
Korenduse 49111
Lilu 49113
Maarja-Magdaleena 49102 49126
Otslava 49114
Ovanurme 49125
Pataste 49115
Raigastvere 49116
Reinu 49117
Sepa 49118
Sortsi 49119
Tabivere 49101 49127
Tormi 49120
Uhmardu 49121
Vahi 49122
Valgma 49123
Voldi 49124

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