Haljala Zip Codes: Laane-Virumaa, Estonia
List of Haljala Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Haljala Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Laane-Virumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Aaspere | 45224 45302 |
Aasu | 45304 |
Aaviku | 45305 |
Aukula | 45306 |
Essu | 45303 45323 |
Haljala | 45301 45322 |
Idavere | 45307 |
Kandle | 45308 |
Karmu | 45311 |
Kavastu | 45309 |
Kisuvere | 45310 |
Koldu | 45312 |
Lihulope | 45313 |
Liiguste | 45314 |
Pehka | 45315 |
Podruse | 45316 |
Sauste | 45317 |
Tatruse | 45318 |
Vanamoisa | 45319 |
Varangu | 45320 |
Vole | 45321 |