Rakke Zip Codes: Laane-Virumaa, Estonia

List of Rakke Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Rakke Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Laane-Virumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ao 46303
Edru 46304
Emumae 46305
Jaatma 46306
Kaavere 46307
Kadikula 46308
Kamariku 46309
Kellamae 46310
Kitsemetsa 46311
Koila 46312
Koluvere 46313
Kopsta 46314
Lahu 46315
Lammaskula 46316
Lasinurme 46317
Liigvalla 46318
Maiste 46320
Moisamaa 46301 46319
Nommkula 46321
Olju 46322
Padakula 46323
Piibe 46324
Raitsvere 46325
Rakke 46301 46333
Salla 46302 46334
Sootaguse 46326
Suure-Rakke 46328
Tammiku 46329
Vaike-Rakke 46331
Vaike-Tammiku 46332
Villakvere 46330

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