Hanila Zip Codes: Laanemaa, Estonia

List of Hanila Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Hanila Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Laanemaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Kinksi 90130
Kiska 90120
Koera 90110
Kokuta 90108
Komsi 90102
Kuke 90109
Linnuse 90121
Loo 90122
Maense 90113
Massu 90111
Moisakula 90114
Nehatu 90123
Nurmsi 90124
Pajumaa 90125
Pivarootsi 90126
Rame 90127
Rannakula 90115
Ridase 90131
Salevere 90116
Ullaste 90117
Vatla 90103
Virtsu 90101 90191
Voose 90118 90132
Aila 90128
Esivere 90104
Hanila 90105 90192
Karuse 90112
Kasekula 90106
Kause 90107

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