Lihula Zip Codes: Laanemaa, Estonia

List of Lihula Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Lihula Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Laanemaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alakula 90219
Halvati 90208 90211 90304
Jarise 90220
Kelu 90205
Kirbla 90201 90291
Kirikukula 90221
Kloostri 90206
Kunila 90222
Lautna 90212
Lihula 90301 90302 90303 90304 90305
Matsalu 90230
Meelva 90231
Metskula 90232
Pagasi 90207
Parivere 90228
Penijoe 90305
Petaaluse 90223
Poanse 90224
Rumba 90213
Saastna 90233
Seira 90214
Tuhu 90225
Tuudi 90202
Vagivere 90226
Valuste 90227
Vohma 90215

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