Audru Zip Codes: Parnumaa, Estonia
List of Audru Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Audru Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Parnumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Lemmetsa | 88311 |
Liiva | 88312 |
Lindi | 88302 |
Liu | 88313 |
Malda | 88314 |
Marksa | 88315 |
Oara | 88316 |
Papsaare | 88317 |
Pohara | 88318 |
Poldeotsa | 88319 |
Ridalepa | 88320 |
Saari | 88321 |
Saulepa | 88322 |
Soeva | 88323 |
Soomra | 88324 |
Tuuraste | 88325 |
Valgeranna | 88326 |
Ahaste | 88306 |
Aruvalja | 88304 |
Audru | 88301 |
Eassalu | 88307 |
Joopre | 88303 |
Kabriste | 88308 |
Karbu | 88310 |
Kihlepa | 88305 |
Koima | 88309 |
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