Koonga Zip Codes: Parnumaa, Estonia

List of Koonga Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Koonga Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Parnumaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Emmu 88405
Hobeda 88406
Irta 88407
Iska 88408
Janistvere 88410
Jarve 88411
Joonuse 88409
Kalli 88412
Karinomme 88413
Karuba 88414
Kibura 88415
Kiisamaa 88416
Koima 88419
Koonga 88401
Kuhu 88417
Kurese 88418
Lope 88402
Maikse 88420
Mihkli 88421
Naissoo 88422
Natsi 88424
Nedrema 88423
Oepa 88442
Oidrema 88404
Paimvere 88425
Palatu 88426
Parasmaa 88427
Peantse 88428
Piisu 88429
Pikavere 88430
Rabavere 88431
Salevere 88432
Sookatse 88433
Tamme 88434
Tarva 88403
Toitse 88435
Ura 88436
Urita 88437
Vastaba 88438
Veltsa 88439
Voitra 88440
Vorungi 88441

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