Kanepi Zip Codes: Polvamaa, Estonia

List of Kanepi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kanepi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Polvamaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Erastvere 63105
Heisri 63106
Hino 63107
Hurmi 63108
Jogehara 63109
Joksi 63110
Kaagna 63111
Kaagvere 63103
Kanepi 63101
Karste 63112
Koigera 63113
Kooraste 63114
Lauri 63115
Magari 63116
Narapaa 63117
Peetrimoisa 63118
Piigandi 63119
Polgaste 63102 63123
Rebaste 63120
Soodoma 63124
Soreste 63121
Varbuse 63122

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