Mikitamae Zip Codes: Polvamaa, Estonia
List of Mikitamae Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Mikitamae Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Polvamaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Audjassaare | 64302 |
Beresje | 64303 |
Igrise | 64304 |
Jarvepaa | 64305 |
Kahkva | 64306 |
Karisilla | 64307 |
Laossina | 64308 |
Luubnitsa | 64309 |
Mikitamae | 64301 |
Niitsiku | 64319 |
Puugnitsa | 64311 |
Raasolaane | 64313 |
Rosna | 64312 |
Selise | 64314 |
Toomasmae | 64315 |
Usinitsa | 64316 |
Varesmae | 64317 |
Voopsu | 64318 |
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