Raikkula Zip Codes: Raplamaa, Estonia

List of Raikkula Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Raikkula Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Raplamaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Jalase 78415
Kaigepere 78412
Keo 78404
Koikse 78416
Korvetaguse 78417
Lipa 78405
Lipametsa 78406
Loe 78414 78418
Lopemetsa 78419
Metskula 78407
Nommemetsa 78420
Nommkula 78408
Polma 78410
Puhatu 78421
Purku 78401
Raela 78409
Raikkula 78402 78492
Riidaku 78422
Tamme 78403 78493
Ummaru 78423
Vahakonnu 78411
Valli 78413

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