Rapla Zip Codes: Raplamaa, Estonia

List of Rapla Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Rapla Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Raplamaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aherdi 79644
Alu 79601 79691
Alu-Metskula 79605
Arankula 79640
Hagudi 79602 79641 79692
Iira 79517
Juula 79540
Kalevi 79606
Kelba 79611
Kodila 79603
Kodila-Metskula 79613
Koigi 79630
Korgu 79615
Kuku 79631
Kuusiku 79516
Kuusiku-Nomme 79518
Lipstu 79519
Mahlamae 79541
Mallu 79616
Moisaaseme 79632
Nomme 79642
Oela 79617
Ohulepa 79618
Oola 79643
Palamulla 79619
Purila 79633 79661
Raka 79620
Rapla 79501 79502 79511 79512 79513 79514 79515 79520
Ridakula 79528
Roa 79614
Seli 79604
Seli-Nurme 79634
Sikeldi 79607 79623
Sulupere 79529
Tapupere 79621
Torma 79622
Tuti 79542 79544
Ulejoe 79532
Uuskula 79530 79608
Valjataguse 79543
Valtu 79531

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