Vigala Zip Codes: Raplamaa, Estonia

List of Vigala Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Vigala Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Raplamaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Araste 78011
Avaste 78012
Jadivere 78013
Kausi 78014
Kesu 78015
Kivi-Vigala 78001 78091
Kojastu 78016
Konnapere 78017
Kurevere 78018
Lati 78020
Leibre 78019
Manni 78021
Naravere 78022
Oese 78023
Ojapere 78024
Paardu 78028
Palase 78025
Paljasmaa 78026
Pallika 78027
Raaski 78029
Saala 78030
Tiduvere 78031
Tonumaa 78004
Vaguja 78032
Vana-Vigala 78003 78093
Vanamoisa 78033
Vangla 78034

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