Karla Zip Codes: Saaremaa, Estonia

List of Karla Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Karla Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Saaremaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Anepesa 93843
Arandi 93521
Hirmuste 93523
Joempa 93844
Kaesla 93526
Kandla 93845
Karida 93524
Karla 93501 93591
Kirikukula 93511
Kogula 93525
Korkkula 93527
Kulli 93561
Kuuse 93551
Matasselja 93520
Monnuste 93512
Nompa 93846
Paevere 93528
Paikula 93562
Sauvere 93847
Somera 93501 93522
Ulje 93529
Vendise 93848
Vennati 93530

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