Lumanda Zip Codes: Saaremaa, Estonia

List of Lumanda Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Lumanda Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Saaremaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Atla 93322
Austla 93323
Eeriksaare 93324
Himmiste 93311
Jogela 93312
Karala 93325
Kardu 93315
Kipi 93313
Koimla 93326
Koki 93327
Koovi 93314
Kotlandi 93328
Kulli 93341
Kuusnomme 93342
Leedri 93316
Lumanda 93301 93391
Metsapere 93329
Moisakula 93317
Pollukula 93318
Riksu 93330
Taritu 93331
Vahva 93319
Vana-Lahetaguse 93320
Varpe 93321
Viidu 93343

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