Koo Zip Codes: Viljandimaa, Estonia
List of Koo Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Koo Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Viljandimaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Arjassaare | 70507 |
Arussaare | 70605 |
Kangrussaare | 70505 |
Kirivere | 70506 |
Koksvere | 70604 |
Koo | 70501 |
Loopre | 70504 |
Maalasti | 70608 |
Paaksima | 70607 |
Paenasti | 70509 |
Pilistvere | 70502 |
Saviaugu | 70503 |
Soomevere | 70609 |
Unakvere | 70508 |
Venevere | 70511 |
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