Nivala-Haapajarvi Zip Codes: North Ostrobothnia Region, Finland

List of Nivala-Haapajarvi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Nivala-Haapajarvi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the North Ostrobothnia Region Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Haapajarvi 85800 85801
Hiidenniemi 86850
Kangaskyla 85930
Karsamaki 86710
Koyhanpera 85980
Kuona 85840
Nivala 85500 85501 85540 85560 85580 85620 85630 85640 85660
Oksava 85820
Oulainen 86301
Parkkila 85710
Pyhajarvi 86810
Pyhakumpu 86900
Pyhasalmi 86800 86801
Raisalanmaki 85940
Reisjarvi 85900
Tulppo 85730
Valiaho 86980
Venetpalo 86790
Vesikoski 86870

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