Etela-Pirkanmaa Zip Codes: Pirkanmaa, Finland

List of Etela-Pirkanmaa Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Etela-Pirkanmaa Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Pirkanmaa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akaa 37800 37801 37830 37900 37910 37911 37960
Halkivaha 31830
Haukila 37740
Honkola 31730
Karjenniemi 37860
Kehro 31750
Menonen 31140
Metsakansa 37850
Nuutajarvi 31160
Ritvala 37720
Saaksmaki 37700
Tarttila 37770
Tursa 31860
Urjala 31760 31761
Urjala As 31700
Urjalankyla 31720
Valkeakoski 37600 37601 37630

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