Pieksamaki Zip Codes: Southern Savonia, Finland
List of Pieksamaki Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Pieksamaki Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Southern Savonia Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Haapakoski | 77520 |
Halkokumpu | 77240 |
Harkala | 51940 |
Hatsola | 51820 |
Helsinki | 00101 |
Hurskaala | 77320 |
Huutokoski | 79620 |
Jappila | 77570 |
Joroinen | 79600 79601 |
Juva | 51900 51901 |
Kaitainen | 79690 |
Kerisalo | 79660 |
Koikkala | 51880 |
Kolma | 79630 |
Kuosmala | 51780 |
Kuvansi | 78880 |
Lahnalahti | 79680 |
Lamminmaki | 76780 |
Lauteala | 51980 |
Maavesi | 77460 |
Maivala | 51810 |
Montola | 77350 |
Naarajarvi | 76850 |
Narila | 51860 |
Nenonpelto | 76940 |
Neuvola | 77220 |
Nuutilanmaki | 51760 |
Paatela | 51930 |
Paltanen | 77110 |
Partaharju | 76280 |
Pieksamaki | 76100 76101 76120 76130 76150 |
Pyhitty | 76620 |
Risulahti | 51890 |
Savuniemi | 77480 |
Siikamaki | 77430 |
Tihusniemi | 77580 |
Vanaja | 77140 |
Venetmaki | 77120 |
Virtasalmi | 77330 |
Vuorenmaa | 51850 |
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