Pieksamaki Zip Codes: Southern Savonia, Finland

List of Pieksamaki Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Pieksamaki Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Southern Savonia Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Haapakoski 77520
Halkokumpu 77240
Harkala 51940
Hatsola 51820
Helsinki 00101
Hurskaala 77320
Huutokoski 79620
Jappila 77570
Joroinen 79600 79601
Juva 51900 51901
Kaitainen 79690
Kerisalo 79660
Koikkala 51880
Kolma 79630
Kuosmala 51780
Kuvansi 78880
Lahnalahti 79680
Lamminmaki 76780
Lauteala 51980
Maavesi 77460
Maivala 51810
Montola 77350
Naarajarvi 76850
Narila 51860
Nenonpelto 76940
Neuvola 77220
Nuutilanmaki 51760
Paatela 51930
Paltanen 77110
Partaharju 76280
Pieksamaki 76100 76101 76120 76130 76150
Pyhitty 76620
Risulahti 51890
Savuniemi 77480
Siikamaki 77430
Tihusniemi 77580
Vanaja 77140
Venetmaki 77120
Virtasalmi 77330
Vuorenmaa 51850

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