Aceh Timur Zip Codes: Aceh, Indonesia

List of Aceh Timur Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Aceh Timur Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Aceh Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Seuriget 24451
Simpang Lhee 24451
Simpangulim 24458
Baru 24451
Birem Puntong 24451
Darul Aman 24455
Gedubang Aceh 24451
Geudubang Aceh 24451
Idi Rayeuk 24454
Julok 24457
Karang Anyar 24451
Kemuning 24451
Langsa 24451
Langsa Lama 24451
Meurandeh 24451
Nurussalam 24456
Payabujuk Teungoh 24451
Peureulak 24453
Pondok Kelapa 24451
Rantau Selamat 24451 24452
Sei Pauh 24451

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